Appointment Costs

How long will the appointment be?





Your first appointment might take 40-60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the situation. 

Subsequent review appointments are usually much shorter.

How much will it cost?

It depends on the length of the consultation.

As a general rule the first consultation will cost between $265 and $340 

If it is an in-person appointment, you will receive a Medicare rebate of approximately $118).

Is Bulk Billing available?

For quick and simple review appointments, Bulk Billing MAY be available. 

What is Bulk Billing? – When the doctor accepts only the payment from Medicare with no “gap” from the patient.

Please bring your Medicare card.  medicare card image

For further information please speak with my reception staff.

1. Cash or credit card on the day

mastercard visa credit card




Dr Gull Herzberg, Integrative Medical Practitioner

Southern Cross Medical Specialists, ph: 6658 4000
Bellingen Healing Centre, ph: 6655 0000
Bellingen Youth Hub Clinic, ph: 6655 0381 or 0412 361 562